Hotel Advertising Perth

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Perth Hotel Advertising Information

Reasons for listing in the Perth Accommodation Directory

  • Basic Perth Free accommodation listings. Not $100,000 like it cost to list in the Small Luxury Hotels directory.  The Perth Accommodation Directory is Free - No ifs, buts, tricks or maybes.
  • Because the Perth Accommodation Directory is in the world's top 0.1% of most popular sites as ranked by Alexa, it is ready to drive exactly what you want (people looking for accommodation in Perth) directly to your sales information.
  • Free grey location on the popular
  • Your free messages in the Perth Accommodation Forum
  • Free posting in Google+ Accommodation Page
  • Perth Accommodation Directory Listing is the instant you press the submit button. Refresh the Perth Accommodation Directory page to see your free listing

Free listed sites are obligated reciprocate by placing a link on one of your accommodation web pages in your site to either: or or, or  in at least 8 points, within 60 days.

Guarantee If you do not receive an accommodation booking during the first year, your "Featured" Gold or Platinum listing will be extended for an additional year for FREE.

Currently $440 pa "Gold" featured Accommodation Perth listings are receiving about 300 visitors per month each. Scenario: If 1% of visitors we send to your site book @ $100 per night for 5 nights, that represents $1,500 per month.  Not a bad ROI for a $440 pa marketing investment. If your hotel can't afford that in your annual marketing budget, I suggest you seriously think about your marketing budget, priorities and where you get best value marketing.  We don't take commissions. We don't charge tourists. We depend on advertising revenue such as featured listings, banner ads etc,

Featured Gold Accommodation Perth member listings include:

  • A link to your website.

  • Email link.

  • Your reservations booking telephone number

  • A small 111x88 pixel, 99 DPI jpg image of your property next to your listing

  • Tariff details.

  • Sales Pitch

  • Linked location button. Help with setting up the free grey unlinked pin on the Map of Australia and Perth Map

  • Type of accommodation.

  • Star Rating.

  • Locality display in search results

  • Free posting on the Perth Calendar of events near your hotel. The calendar is found by major search engines for many event name searches and phrases such as "perth calendar" Promote the event, up-sell your accommodation near the Perth event.

  • 10% discount on your Perth accommodation video clip for your viral marketing

  • You are obligated to create a link on one of your web page in your site to either or or, in at least 8 points, within 30 days.

A$1 Pay  Per Click Bid Plan Free set-up. No clicks = no pay. Check current bids in US dollars, at Yahoo's Overture. In April Intercontinental were bidding US$1.52 per click for "accommodation perth".  We deliver the SAME quality, pre-qualified visitor to your sales information.  Bids start at Aust$1 per click. The more you bid the higher in the featured listings you go.  We only charge for unique (by IP address) clicks as monitored by an independent audited click tracking company. Any time, you can simply check your click stats and use the ROI per click report or download your PPC report. $400 minimum will buy you 400 pre-qualified visitors looking for "accommodation perth" or "hotel perth" Your success is our motivation, so we might even feature you on (Yahoo!) or we might even pay for your banner ad on other Perth accommodation websites if your bid is high enough.

Indian Ocean Hotel testimonial: Dear Ben That's fantastic!!! I hope we manage to convert some to reses

Featured "
Platinum" Accommodation Perth member listings include all Gold Membership features above and:

Name: Bob & Del Rxxxx
Number_of_rooms: 1
Month_of_arrival: 9
Date_of_arrival: 27
Number_of_adults: 2
Month_of_departure: 10
Date_of_departure: 1
Number_of_children: 1
Style_of_Accommodation_Perth: Self-contained Apartments Perth
StarRating: 4
Location: Beach
Accommodation_Property: Not Secified
Configuration: 2 Adults in beach front self contained apartment
Telephone: 02 9xxxxxxx or 02 9xxxxxxx
Moble: 04189xxxxx
Message: Ocean Views if possible.
B1: Submit
Date: 24-03-05

In this Perth accommodation reservation application example it would only be sent to Platinum members with Self-contained apartments in Perth. Not to backpackers, nor hotel accommodation near Perth airport.

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