Singapore Accommodation Hotels


Add Your Singapore Accommodation Information Free Automatically

  • Free Basic* listing including name and location.

  • In return for your free link to your site we ask you show a link on at least any one page in your site to in at least 8 points as shown at left.

  • Please complete additional information fields if you want higher levels of exposure such as hypertext links to your site, tariffs, email address, etc. Leave blank what you do not want listed.  Only a few banner ads will be permitted per page because they slow page loads.

  • In 2003 annual Fees in Australian Dollars will reflect the value our referral to your Singapore accommodation business.  For example we don't want to charge as much for a small B&B listing  as a large inner city hotel which may refer overflows to another large hotel.

  • If you are not sure how to complete this form, ask Ben on 08 9245 5338





Singapore Accommodation Property Name * FREE
Singapore Locality * FREE
Bearing from Centre of Singapore * FREE
Distance from Singapore GPO Km * FREE
Type of Singapore accommodation
Hold Ctrl down to select more than one
Star rating (Optional. If you have a variety of ratings / priced rooms, submit this form again for each rating.)
1 2 3 4 5 Rating Organisation
(Round up half star ratings)
Nightly Tariff in S$ for the rated rooms above
Peak Shoulder Low
Free 2003
3.33 cents per bedroom per season
Reception Telephone Number Free 2003
10 cents per bedroom including those you refer 2004.
Mobile Free 2003
10 cents per bedroom including those you refer, 2004
Fax Number Free 2003
5 cents per bedroom 2004

If it's longer than can fit, GET REAL, get Domain Name Registration Singapore to get a domain name for US$32 pa for you.
Free 2003
$1 per bedroom 2004
Singapore Accommodation Street Address
No. Street Address
Optional address line 2
Singapore suburb Post Code
Free 2003
$1 per bedroom
$50pa linked listing on the download-able Singapore Map PDF? Yes  No
Contact Name and position
Singapore Manager's Name
200 characters ( headline ) of sales pitch / features



How many bedrooms do you sell for ?
How many beds, including fold up at your property?
Are you interested in investing $2,000 in a promotional 1 hour digital  video hotel promotion, burned to a master CD or VHS tape or streaming from your accommodation website ?


I'm interested in having a visit for free training in putting my free property pins on a Singapore Map / Directory?


I'm interested in someone calling me to arrange to come out and train me free of charge, in use of very cheap, efficient management of my opt-in email marketing


2003 Billing address
POB / Street
Post Code
All of the above is currently free. If you're interested in paid advertising at the web site, please tick >>>>> and we'll get back to you.


Front Page Feature Property of the month $400

Advertorial page in this web
Hypertext link to your site from home page of our web




CHECK YOUR INSTANT LISTING in Singapore accommodation Finder by refreshing (F5) what your browser is looking at.

Aust$100 pa is your display investment for a small 111x88 pixel, 72 DPI jpg of your property next to your listing.

Email or phone 6235-8938 us an offer for property of the month on the home page of the Singapore accommodation property:

  • On our home page

  • Hypertext link

  • Our ezine

  • A page of it's own on our site with links from every page.

  • In a linked banner ad.

  • Until our other city accommodation sites are complete, you may use this form to submit information to our database for : 

Accommodation Singapore Email


Mr T
Accommodation Singapore Information Manager
If you need help with this form don't hesitate to call 6235-8938


Linked banner ads like those below for less than $1 per day.

Dynamic Drive


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