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Barramundi Moon accommodation near Broome caters to small numbers with personalised treatment. This is your Dampier Peninsula lifestyle choice and one you will not regret.
At Barramundi Moon you are provided with basic but comfortable accommodation near Broome, with wood fire cooking facilities and utensils. Community members offer personalised activities and experiences to suit your needs.
Examine your options and chose an experience that will remain with you tex years to come.
You will need to bring your own food, and linen? Make sure you
bring sunscreen, walking shoes, a hat, insect repellent, and suitable clothing.
The days will normally be warm to hot but nights can be cool. The community has good quality water but you may wish to bring your own drinking water.
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THE COMMUNITY is located 1<)7 km north of Broome on tbe shores of King Sound. Look tor
KIXG | the turnoff trom Cape |
Leveqnc..Road 150 km
annarr nort.h of Broome. Acce~s t()
',' Djord.rr | Barramundi Moon is (estrict.6d t\') |
prearranged b()okillt,TS. VisixOrs cannot make tbdr W'a}r imo the community l1,I1ann,ollu. ced. Maddafr,catcrs t'b special interest. groriJ':S'uod. liontCrences with its new lmv key futiJitie,s.
Barramundi Moon has devcloped VISItor accommodation packages ranging from day visits with activities through to ::; day /2 night accommodation experiences, These versatile packages provide an opportunitytity a personalised cultural experience" sharing the: customs and beliefs of tradixional Aboriginal life style, and the history and heritage of the area. Escorted daily ~lctivitjes can iucludl~ beach or bush walks, reef exploration and fishing, Accommodation comprises of simple: beach shelters with camp beds. '
3 day/2 night packages start trom $150 per person. Use of conterence ficilities needs to be booked.
For more information and or bookiugs ,phone
BEST OF THE KIMBERLEY Phone (08) 9192 6070
or Freecall 1800 450 850
TERMS & CONDITIONS: A 50% cancellation fee may b charged 11 less than 48 hours notice prior to a booking is given. M~ddarr Aboriginal Corporation reserves tho right to cancel II booking at any time for Cultural reasons In the event of a cancellation for' thiS reason all bookings will be promptly refunded and thiS refund shall remain the limit of
Barramundi Moon Abonglnal Corporation's liability .
Be a guest of the Manado family at Barramundi Moon on the Dampier Peninsula
THE MANADO FAMILY of Broome and Barramundi Moon are descendent from the Nimumbutu people who occupied this area prior to the arrival of Europeans.
THE FIRST KNOWN CONTACT with European people involved William Dampier when he landed his damaged boat north of here at Karrakatta Bay in 1688. Some years later English botanist Alan Cunningham collected plants from the area.
Before Europeans the Nimunbutu were a sea f.lring people who for centuries led a lifestyle focussed on the shores of King Sound. King Sound with its huge tidal ranges provided fish, turtle, oysters and crab. The nearby wetlands provided bush turkey and barni
and the bushland contained edible fruits and berries.
The movement of pearlers into the area in the late nineteenth century marked the beginning of an era that brought irreversible change to the peoples of King
Sound. The missionaries arrived with the
~ french Trappist Monks in the later 1880s early 1890s. A n1ission established at Goodenough Bay By the Trappist in 1887 North of Barramundi Moon on Nimunburu Lands was the start of lifestyle change that would influence the Nimunburu peoples language and culture, now today much of the spoken language is lost. In later years
The Nimunburu lived with spiritual connection to land and the sea. They had their own language and intricate systems of law and marriage. Contact with the outside world was limited to trading and ceremony with neighbouring and more distant language groups, with some visitation from the sea.
a miSSIon was established at Beagle Bay and many Nimunburu people where moved off their traditional land to be relocated at Beagle Bay.
The Manado ElInily traces its history back through the years of the Beagle Bay Mission. From the time that f:1mily members departed this area 100 years ago, lite would never be the same again. The f:1mily's story is a touching one. There are times of sadness and times of triumph. There is loss, and there is adaptation to the activities of the church, to the changing policies of Government, and to an ever modernising world.
THE ESTABLISHMENT of a family outstation in 1998 marked the return of
traditional custodians to land. for the Nimunburu of today little remains of the original language. The bushland is modified and some of the traditional fishing methods are replaced by contemporary ways. Through a 100 year journey, however, the spiritual link between the Nimunburu and their land has not been broken. The stories passed down by the old people have survived.
Barramundi Moon today is for the children and the grand children. It is their land and their future.
The tiny commlmity at Barramundi Moon is proud to tell
its story and to shm'e its
unique lifestyle and culture. A visitor to Barramundi Moon is able to share
a jounley through time and to share a commlmity)s vision and hope for the futul'c.
Accommodation Broome | Google Tourist Map | Map of Broome | Accommodation Near Broome | Top Accommodation Near Broome on the Dampier Peninsula